Tag Archives: tribal anarchism

The Seven Numinous Laws

1. There is a time to be active and a time to be passive, one must master the science of Wu Wei.
2. When you start down the Numinous path, you must be prepared to make major adjustments to your lifestyle, state of living, status of possessions, and ultimately your own identity.
3. There will always be a “Crisis of Belief” at a critical point wherein you question the wisdom of embracing a Numinous Life. Faith in the revelatory power of the Numen will (or could) get you through this phase.
4. The Numen speaks through inspired texts and musick, precognitive dreams, intuitive revelation, and lucky circumstance.
5. The Numen invites you to join it in it’s work on the causal field.
6. The Numen is always at work around you.
7. A Nexion to the Numinous may be opened in the conjugal relationships we have on the causal plane.
+++++ ++++++
This opens up a question. How does a Nexion know that it is doing the Will of the Numen?

1. Each member of the Nexion is a body part and the Nexion is the body. This leads one to ask who is responsible for convincing the Nexion body that an act by the Nexion is the Will of the Numen.
Only intuitive insight can reveal this.
2. There must be ecumenical relationships between organizations that have related purposes. For example, most of the members of the Onyx Angels have taken the Horus/Maat Lodge initiation.
3. What is a Numinous gift? This is a preternatural phenomenon, a manifestation of the Numen through a human being.
4. Ultimately we must be prepared to become a totally new creature and shed the old self like a pupal covering.
5. We should endeavor to take all of the Myattian materials to all corners of cyber-Satanism until internet Satanism consists of The Numunous Way, The ONA, Reichsfolk, Folk Culture, and the extrapolations made therefrom.
6. The two most important principles –What are your doing with your time, and What are you doing with your money. $$$
7. We must engage not only in cyber propaganda but also in hard copy propaganda such as pamphlets and flyers left at appropriate locations. Not all of these flyers have to express our own views, they only have to cause a reaction which gets the job done.
8. Actual “IRL” meetings of a Nexus of Onyx Angels should include up tempo music, coffee, energy drinks, snacks, and there should be not only an atmosphere on conviviality but also a sense of dynamism, hence the coffee.

Siege Part One

I am going to put the whole of “Siege” by James Mason on this blog in the coming days.

Kenosis and the Scarecrow Experiment

The following is an accounting of magic and art in action.
昔者莊周夢為蝴蝶,栩栩然蝴蝶也,自喻適志與,不知周也。俄然覺,則蘧蘧然周也。不知周之夢為蝴蝶與,蝴蝶之夢為周與?周與蝴蝶則必有分矣。此之謂物化。++++++++++ +
It was 4 years ago. I had just watched the movie “Batman Begins” and I began to ask myself sincerely a question–what if I were subjected to a feargas that made me see my worst nightmare-what would it be and what would I do?
For a while, several weeks, I mostly used my imagination to investigate the topic. I did google searches for the most terrible things I could think of– autopsies gone bad, injuries, malformed births. This was all fine and good but did not quite do enough.

I began to actually do the particular things that I feared. I could make a list but that would be long and pointless. I saw time as a black river leading to a black sea–and each action and thought was a little origami boat on the black river. As the river joined the sea, the boats sank and were forgotten by Mahakala. So it is that life passes.
Order arises spontaneously when things are allowed to flow according to their own direction. Lust, fear, sleepiness, coffee hunger, then sated urges, then new urges.

One of the things that we should try to incorporate into SpiritRoad is a sense of spontaneous flowing of consciousness that for lack of a better term I’ll call Primitivism, or the Lycanthropic state of awareness–the idea is not to be a dimwitted brute but a sharp keen creature unbound by labels. “SpiritRoad” is itself a label, but it fits nicely because the ROAD that is ahead of us, wea re guided on it by Spirit, not a formula, not an abstraction. I have lost things and gained things in the process of formulating this philosophy. We must always be loyal to our own kind because the outsiders will never GRASP the suchness of Nothing as it moves through us, or understand why we value so little what they value so much- the illusion of control. We are in opposition to states and governments because they only exist as origami boats of the mind that are not allowed to FLOW toward their intended destination. The boats of the outsiders are strangled and broken by the gloves of power, given enough time, and people still don’t catch on. This is the Anarchist part of National- Anarchism–understanding that those servitors of the state that would strangle you are acting on IDEAS, ideas just like your own-little paper boats, floating out to sea. Just thoughts.

This post is a little origami boat on a black river of time. It will flow thru some on it’s way to the abyss, and will eventually be forgotten, like a Tibetan sand painting. As it moves toward it’s source it must move thru people and they will add their own items to the Numenorian Ark.
It is my sincere intention that Onyx Angels become modes, nodes, of expression of kenosis practiced not only on the individual level but on the tribal level. You may experience without thinking, and when you become hungry, you must think about how to get food, then you eat and thought and hunger subside.
This is all for now.

The Single Most Important Document in OA

Written in the late 1800’s.


by Sergei Nechaev [and Mikhail Bakunin]

The Duties of the Revolutionist to Himself

1. The revolutionist is a person doomed [obrechennyi, in older usage signifying also “consecrated”]. He has no personal interests, no business affairs, no emotions, no attachments, no property, and no name. Everything in him is wholly absorbed in the single thought and the single passion for revolution.

2. The revolutionist knows that in the very depths of his being, not only in words but also in deeds, he has broken all the bonds which tie him to the civil order [grazhdanskim poriadkom] and the civilized world with all its laws, moralities, and customs, and with all its generally accepted conventions. He is their implacable enemy, and if he continues to live with them it is only in order to destroy them more speedily.

3. The revolutionist despises all doctrines and refuses to accept the mundane sciences, leaving them for future generations. He knows only one science: the science of destruction. For this reason, but only for this reason, he will study mechanics, physics, chemistry, and perhaps medicine. But all day and all night he studies the vital science of human beings, their characteristics and circumstances, at every possible level of social existence. The object is perpetually the same: the surest and quickest way of destroying the whole filthy order.

4. The revolutionist despises public opinion. He despises and hates the existing social morality in all its manifestations. For him, morality is everything which contributes to the triumph of the revolution.

Anything that stands in its way is immoral and criminal.

5. The revolutionist is a person obrechennyi [see first line]. He is merciless toward the state and toward the whole formal social structure of educated society [soslovno-obrazovannogo obshchestva]; and he can expect no mercy from them. Between him and them there exists, declared or concealed, a relentless and irreconcilable war to the death. He must accustom himself to torture.

6. Tyrannical toward himself, he must be tyrannical toward others. All the gentle and enervating sentiments of kinship, love, friendship, gratitude, and even honor, must be suppressed in him and give place to the cold and single-minded passion for revolution. For him, there exists only one pleasure, one consolation, one reward, one satisfaction — the success of the revolution. Night and day he must have but one thought, one aim — merciless destruction. Striving cold-bloodedly and indefatigably toward this end, he must be prepared to destroy himself and to destroy with his own hands everything that stands in the path of the revolution.

7. The nature of the true revolutionist excludes all sentimentality, romanticism, infatuation, and exaltation. All private hatred and revenge must also be excluded. Revolutionary passion, practiced at every moment of the day until it becomes a habit, is to be employed with cold calculation. At all times, and in all places, the revolutionist must obey not his personal impulses, but only those which serve the cause of the revolution.

The Relations of the Revolutionist with his Revolutionary Comrades

8. The revolutionist can have no friendship or attachment, except for those who have proved by their actions that they, like him, are dedicated to revolution. The degree of friendship, devotion and obligation toward such a comrade is determined solely by the degree of his usefulness to the cause of total revolutionary destruction.

9. It is superfluous to speak of solidarity among revolutionists. The whole strength of revolutionary work lies in this. Comrade-revolutionists [tovarishchi-revoliutsionery] who possess the same revolutionary passion and understanding should, as much as possible, deliberate all important matters together and come to unanimous conclusions. When the plan is finally decided upon, then the revolutionist must rely solely on himself. In carrying out acts of destruction, each one should act alone, never running to another for advice and assistance, except when these are necessary for the furtherance of the plan.

10. All comrades should have under them second- or third-degree revolutionists — i.e., comrades who are not completely initiated. these should be regarded as part of the common revolutionary capital placed at his disposal. This capital should, of course, be spent as economically as possible in order to derive from it the greatest possible profit. The real revolutionist should regard himself as capital consecrated to the triumph of the revolution; however, he may not personally and alone dispose of that capital without the unanimous consent of the fully initiated comrades.

11. When a comrade is in danger and the question arises whether he should be saved or not saved, the decision must not be arrived at on the basis of sentiment, but solely in the interests of the revolutionist cause. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh carefully the usefulness of the comrade against the expenditure of revolutionary forces necessary to save him, and the decision must be made accordingly.

The Relations of the Revolutionist within [his revolutionary] Society [k obshchestvu]

12. The new member, having given proof of his loyalty not by words but by deeds, can be received into the society [tovarishchestvo] only by the unanimous agreement of all the members.

13. The revolutionist enters the world of the state, of the privileged classes [soslovnyi…mir], of the so-called civilization, and he lives in this world only for the purpose of bringing about its speedy and total destruction. He is not a revolutionist if he has any sympathy for this world. He should not hesitate to destroy any position, any place, or any man in this world. He must hate everyone and everything in it with an equal hatred.

All the worse for him if he has any relations with parents, friends, or lovers; he is no longer a revolutionist if he is swayed by these relationships.

14. Aiming at implacable revolution, the revolutionist may and frequently must live within society while pretending to be completely different from what he really is, for he must penetrate everywhere, into all the higher and middle-level social formations [sosloviia], into the merchant’s commercial establishment, into the church, the gentry estate, and the world of the bureaucrat [mir biurokratskii] and military, into literature, and also into the Third Section [ID] and even the Winter Palace of the tsar.

15. This filthy social order can be split up into several categories. The first category comprises those who must be condemned to death without delay. Comrades should compile a list of those to be condemned according to the relative gravity of their crimes; and the executions should be carried out according to the prepared order.

16. When a list of those who are condemned is made, and the order of execution is prepared, no private sense of outrage should be considered, nor is it necessary to pay attention to the hatred provoked by these people among the comrades or the people.

Hatred and the sense of outrage may be partially and temporarily useful insofar as they incite the masses to revolt. It is necessary to be guided only by the relative usefulness of these executions for the sake of revolution. Above all, those who are especially inimical to the revolutionary organization must be destroyed; their violent and sudden deaths will produce the utmost panic in the government, depriving it of its will to action by removing the cleverest and most energetic supporters.

17. The second group comprises those who will be spared for the time being in order that, by a series of monstrous acts, they may drive the people into inevitable revolt.

18. The third category consists of a great many brutes in high positions, distinguished neither by their cleverness nor their energy, while enjoying riches, influence, power, and high positions by virtue of their rank. These must be exploited in every possible way; they must be implicated and embroiled in our affairs, their dirty secrets must be ferreted out, and they must be transformed into slaves. Their power, influence, and connections, their wealth and their energy, will form an inexhaustible treasure and a precious help in all our undertakings.

19. The fourth category comprises ambitious office-holders and liberals of various shades of opinion. The revolutionist must pretend to collaborate with them, blindly following them, while at the same time, prying out their secrets until they are completely in his power. They must be so compromised that there is no way out for them, and then they can be used to create disorder in the State.

20. The fifth category consists of those doctrinaires, conspirators, and revolutionists who cut a great figure on paper or in their circles [kruzhki].

They must be constantly driven on to make compromising declarations: as a result, the majority of them will be destroyed, while a minority will become genuine revolutionists.

21. The sixth category is especially important: women. They can be divided into three main groups.

First, those frivolous, thoughtless, and vapid women, whom we shall use as we use the third and fourth category of men.

Second, women who are ardent, capable, and devoted, but whom do not belong to us because they have not yet achieved a passionless and austere revolutionary understanding; these must be used like the men of the fifth category.

Finally, there are the women who are completely on our side — i.e., those who are wholly dedicated and who have accepted our program in its entirety. We should regard these women as the most valuable or our treasures; without their help, we would never succeed.

The Attitude of the Society toward the People [narodu]

22. The Society has no aim other than the complete liberation and happiness of the narod — i.e., of the people who live by manual labor. Convinced that their emancipation and the achievement of this happiness can only come about as a result of an all-destroying popular revolt, the Society will use all its resources and energy toward increasing and intensifying the evils and miseries of the people until at last their patience is exhausted and they are driven to a general uprising.

23. By a revolution, the society [tovarishchestvo] does not mean an orderly revolt according to the classic western model — a revolt which always stops short of attacking the rights of property and the traditional social systems of so-called civilization and morality. Until now, such a revolution has always limited itself to the overthrow of one political form in order to replace it by another, thereby attempting to bring about a so-called revolutionary state. The only form of revolution beneficial to the people is one which destroys the entire State to the roots and exterminates all the state traditions, institutions, and classes [klassy] in Russia.

24. With this end in view, the Society therefore refuses to impose any new organization from above. Any future organization will doubtless work its way through the movement and life of the people; but this is a matter for future generations to decide. Our task is terrible, total, universal, and merciless destruction.

25. Therefore, in drawing closer to the people, we must above all make common cause with those elements of the masses which, since the foundation of the state of Muscovy, have never ceased to protest, not only in words but in deeds, against everything directly or indirectly connected with the state: against nobility, against bureaucracy [chinovnichestva], against priests, against the merchant guild, and against the parasitic kulak [rich peasant]. We must unite with the world of adventurous robber bands, the only genuine revolutionists in Russia.

26. To weld this world into one single unconquerable and all-destructive force — this is our organization [organizatsiia], our conspiracy, our task.

SpiritRoad- A General Summary

The aim of this blog is to make people aware of the SpiritRoad philosophy and to promote the study and practice of Tribal Anarchism.

An Overview of SpiritRoad

SpiritRoad is a way of living which people can choose to follow.

A major disadvantage of atheist materialist anarchism is that it seeks to apprehend the universe in Newtonian terms, allowing only for a dry interpretation of reality.

One of the true and BASIC aims of this most authentic and practical National-TRIBAL Anarchism is the creation of free and autonomized tribalist arrangements of people, assisting each other on the basis of communitarian-anarchist partnership, where the people of a particular ethnic group, or religion, or race, can live, among their own volk according to their own Traditional laws, folkways and rites, thus enabling the various ethnicities of the peoples of Earth to live and grow.

We are only able to grow as individuals within the proper setting, among those who are like us and understand us, those who have an innate sympathy for our aims as they are related.

Onyx Angels are not absurd idealists. We are aware that people of the same race or even the same family may really not give a shite about you, and that in the contemporary West in particular, the atomized man is the norm. We seek to counter this by promoting a clannish tribalism.

All living beings in the universe have a certain amount of the single spiritual energy which animates all things. We are undergoing constant transformation. When our life energy no longer animates this body which we hold, it will go on to another type of existence.

In a very important sense, tribal camaraderie, genuine friendship, and living by right principles, are a means whereby we may increase, or access for ourselves, spiritual energy – where we become a gate to such energy in the timebound – and whereby we then may strengthen the omnimatrix of the living realm, and, surely, increase the realm of the living itself.
Thus, when we live in a right principled way we are not only helping life here, now, on our planet, in our life, we are also coming to the assistance of all future lives, in the universe, for the more spiritual energy we aggregate, by our acts, our lifestyles, the more will be available not only to other lives, here – in our own tiny meterbound time and place – but also, on our death, available to the UNIVERSE to bring-into-being more lives. All things in nature then tend back toward their source, which is Mahapralaya and Nuit. Returning to source requires a movement when it’s time to move–never a stifling.
All things in microcosm (atoms, etc.) and in macrocosm (cults, nations, planets, galaxies, etc.) are pushed by a force, that cannot be directly observed but is known to exist based on observation of what it is doing, sliding thru the cosmos, and thereby becoming, xepering.

To be able to become what you must, you must go with the flow, not outwardly, but in an inner, spiritual sense.
Some people would refer to this force as “God” or “Allah” or “Tao”. Others would refer to it as “Satan” or some other demon. Yet others never feel it at all. Some have referred to this force as NUIT, the great boundless mother. This force is in it’s essence, nothingness. Void and abyssal darkness.

The gulf between the spiritual type of person and the person bound into a loka of materialist atheist cannot be crossed.

The sickness of the modern world and it’s outwardly imposed rites results in the mass of peoples being forced to live as a giant, idiotic herd.

Our existence as seperate peoples, as we have developed over time, is essential not only to thwart international socialism, but also the impulse of the capitalists to merge us into a single predictable bloc of livestock.

Such as it is, then, SpiritRoad is a philosophy available to all peoples.

Membership of Onyx Angels is open to Floridians of European or Rusiyan or Altaic ancestry. This does not mean that we are opposed to other groups. Blacks can and should join negrocentric faktions, if they be Islamic or Dahomeyan or even Christian.
Latinos should join a group that focuses on their own unique identity.
All of those involved in the national/tribal volk struggle should be vigorous physically, and I recommend the Chaos and Pain program with an honest heart.


February 2011

In the sacred citadel of the vulva of

a superlative, skillful partner,

do the praxis of mixing white seed

with her ocean of red seed.

Then absorb, raise, and spread the nectar—

A stream of ecstasy such as you’ve never known