Tag Archives: myattian

The Seven Numinous Laws

1. There is a time to be active and a time to be passive, one must master the science of Wu Wei.
2. When you start down the Numinous path, you must be prepared to make major adjustments to your lifestyle, state of living, status of possessions, and ultimately your own identity.
3. There will always be a “Crisis of Belief” at a critical point wherein you question the wisdom of embracing a Numinous Life. Faith in the revelatory power of the Numen will (or could) get you through this phase.
4. The Numen speaks through inspired texts and musick, precognitive dreams, intuitive revelation, and lucky circumstance.
5. The Numen invites you to join it in it’s work on the causal field.
6. The Numen is always at work around you.
7. A Nexion to the Numinous may be opened in the conjugal relationships we have on the causal plane.
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This opens up a question. How does a Nexion know that it is doing the Will of the Numen?

1. Each member of the Nexion is a body part and the Nexion is the body. This leads one to ask who is responsible for convincing the Nexion body that an act by the Nexion is the Will of the Numen.
Only intuitive insight can reveal this.
2. There must be ecumenical relationships between organizations that have related purposes. For example, most of the members of the Onyx Angels have taken the Horus/Maat Lodge initiation.
3. What is a Numinous gift? This is a preternatural phenomenon, a manifestation of the Numen through a human being.
4. Ultimately we must be prepared to become a totally new creature and shed the old self like a pupal covering.
5. We should endeavor to take all of the Myattian materials to all corners of cyber-Satanism until internet Satanism consists of The Numunous Way, The ONA, Reichsfolk, Folk Culture, and the extrapolations made therefrom.
6. The two most important principles –What are your doing with your time, and What are you doing with your money. $$$
7. We must engage not only in cyber propaganda but also in hard copy propaganda such as pamphlets and flyers left at appropriate locations. Not all of these flyers have to express our own views, they only have to cause a reaction which gets the job done.
8. Actual “IRL” meetings of a Nexus of Onyx Angels should include up tempo music, coffee, energy drinks, snacks, and there should be not only an atmosphere on conviviality but also a sense of dynamism, hence the coffee.


From this point forwards the ONYX ANGELS shall abide by the Reichsfolk Declaration.
This decision was reached by committee and was discussed totally. A copy of the Reichsfolk Declaration is below.

The Reichsfolk Declaration

Reichsfolk is committed to presenting the truthful reality of National-Socialism. The truth is that National-Socialism is an idealistic and noble way of life based upon the principles of honour, reason, fairness, loyalty, duty to one’s own people, and to Nature, and respect for and understanding of other cultures and other ways of life.

Reichsfolk is committed to introducing others to the civilized reality of National-Socialism, and to striving to implement the idealism of National-Socialism in practical ways, through civilized, cultured, reasonable means, without using any kind of force or coercion.

It should also be made clear that the kind of National-Socialism that Reichsfolk seeks to establish – and all pure, genuine, National-Socialist organizations seek to establish – is a civilized and rational National-Socialism that rejects and opposes any kind of oppression, subjugation and intolerance toward others on account of culture, belief or race. Reichsfolk also opens its arms in friendship to all the peoples of the world, on the basis of mutual respect and honour.

The enemies of Reichsfolk are corrupt politicians and those – of any race, culture and belief – who use dishonourable means to oppress, tyrannize and subjugate others, or who do dishonourable, ignoble things which take away or restrict the freedom, dignity and honour of others, and/or which take away the right of people to respect the ways of their own culture and live among their own kind according to their own honourable laws and customs.

Reichsfolk expresses the view that all who call themselves National-Socialists should reform themselves, and adopt the true and genuine National-Socialism which Reichsfolk upholds: a National-Socialism which, being based upon honour, asserts that National-Socialists must treat all people with courtesy and respect, regardless of their race, their culture, their way of life or their beliefs.

One of the fundamental aims of this true and genuine National-Socialism is the creation of free and independent nations, co-operating with each other on the basis of equal partnership, where the people of a particular culture and race can live, among their own kind according to their own honourable laws, traditions and customs, thus enabling the different cultures of the peoples of the world to survive and flourish.

Genuine National-Socialist organizations do not wish to implement National-Socialism forcibly but only in a peaceful, fair, cultural and educational way thus allowing the majority to walk upon the true path of honour, reason and liberty. If National-Socialism becomes the choice of the majority only then will it be implemented in a political way. If it does not become the choice of the majority, then National-Socialist movements, groups and organizations will strive to co-exist with other religions, ways of living, and beliefs, on the basis of mutual respect, tolerance, freedom and understanding. National-Socialism seeks to use methods which are fair, just, rational and honourable to find and implement solutions to all the complicated and difficult problems which confront our species.

This mutual respect, tolerance and understanding is how others should treat National-Socialists, and if they do not treat National-Socialists in this way, then they are acting dishonourably and accordingly are our enemies and the enemies of all those who uphold honour, reason, liberty and true justice.

Shropshire, England
May 10th 112yf