Tag Archives: dreccyana

The Seven Numinous Laws

1. There is a time to be active and a time to be passive, one must master the science of Wu Wei.
2. When you start down the Numinous path, you must be prepared to make major adjustments to your lifestyle, state of living, status of possessions, and ultimately your own identity.
3. There will always be a “Crisis of Belief” at a critical point wherein you question the wisdom of embracing a Numinous Life. Faith in the revelatory power of the Numen will (or could) get you through this phase.
4. The Numen speaks through inspired texts and musick, precognitive dreams, intuitive revelation, and lucky circumstance.
5. The Numen invites you to join it in it’s work on the causal field.
6. The Numen is always at work around you.
7. A Nexion to the Numinous may be opened in the conjugal relationships we have on the causal plane.
+++++ ++++++
This opens up a question. How does a Nexion know that it is doing the Will of the Numen?

1. Each member of the Nexion is a body part and the Nexion is the body. This leads one to ask who is responsible for convincing the Nexion body that an act by the Nexion is the Will of the Numen.
Only intuitive insight can reveal this.
2. There must be ecumenical relationships between organizations that have related purposes. For example, most of the members of the Onyx Angels have taken the Horus/Maat Lodge initiation.
3. What is a Numinous gift? This is a preternatural phenomenon, a manifestation of the Numen through a human being.
4. Ultimately we must be prepared to become a totally new creature and shed the old self like a pupal covering.
5. We should endeavor to take all of the Myattian materials to all corners of cyber-Satanism until internet Satanism consists of The Numunous Way, The ONA, Reichsfolk, Folk Culture, and the extrapolations made therefrom.
6. The two most important principles –What are your doing with your time, and What are you doing with your money. $$$
7. We must engage not only in cyber propaganda but also in hard copy propaganda such as pamphlets and flyers left at appropriate locations. Not all of these flyers have to express our own views, they only have to cause a reaction which gets the job done.
8. Actual “IRL” meetings of a Nexus of Onyx Angels should include up tempo music, coffee, energy drinks, snacks, and there should be not only an atmosphere on conviviality but also a sense of dynamism, hence the coffee.

Website Review- The Numinous Way


I have been aware of this website for roughly 6 months now and Myatt’s Numinous Way philosophy is a contributor to the “SpiritRoad” philosophy of Onyx Angels.

The website itself is attractive. The website is organized in a rational way to allow for easy browsing. It is one of Vasna Cincy’s missions to promote COSMICBEING.INFO for the furtherance on the ideas contained on the site.

Myatt is lucid and crisp and is potentially supersubversive in his ability to create a counterpole to the prevailing cultural mythemes.

Below is an excerpt from the website.
Soli Deo Gloria

Being extracts from a letter written in reply
to someone enquiring about the philosophy of The Numinous Way.

Since you enquire about the veracity of my Numinous Way, I should perhaps emphasize – as I have mentioned several times over the past few years – that this Way represents only my own fallible answers born from my own pathei-mathos, and that I am acutely aware that the answers of many other Ways, such as Buddhism and the answers of conventional religions such as Catholicism, also in their own particular harmonious manner express something of the numinous and may thus for many people provide a guide to living in a more numinous way.

As I wrote many years ago:

The Numinous Way is but one answer to the questions about existence, [and] does not have some monopoly on truth, nor does it claim any prominence, accepting that all the diverse manifestations of the Numen, all the diverse answers, of the various numinous Ways and religions, have or may have their place, and all perhaps may serve the same ultimate purpose – that of bringing us closer to the ineffable beauty, the ineffable goodness, of life; that of transforming us, reminding us; that of giving us as individuals the chance to cease to cause suffering, to presence the good, to be part of the Numen itself. For what distinguishes a valuable, a good, a numinous Way or religion, is firstly this commitment, however expressed, to the cessation of suffering through means which do not cause more suffering; secondly, having some practical means whereby individuals can transform themselves for the better, and thirdly, possessing some way of presenting, manifesting, presencing what is sacred, what is numinous, thus reconnecting the individual to the source of their being, to their humanity.

In my fallible view, any Way or religion which manifests, which expresses, which guides individuals toward, the numinous humility we human beings need is good, and should not be stridently condemned.

For such personal humility – that which prevents us from committing hubris, whatever the raison d’être, the theology, the philosophy – is a presencing of the numinous. Indeed, one might write and say that it is a personal humility – whatever the source – that expresses our true developed (that is, rational and empathic) human nature and which nature such Ways or religions or mythological allegories remind us of. Hence the formulae, the expression, Soli Deo Gloria being one Western cultural manifestation of a necessary truth, manifesting as it does one particular numinous allegory among many such historical and cultural and mythological allegories. Just as, for example, the sight of King Louis IX walking barefoot to Sainte Chapelle was a symbol of the humility which the Christian faith, correctly understood, saught to cultivate in individuals.

As I mentioned in my essay Humility, Abstractions, and Belief,

One of the great advantages – a manifestation of humanity – of a Way such as Islam and Christianity and Buddhism is that they provide, or can provide, us with the supra-personal perspective, and thus the humility, we human beings require to prevent us veering into and becoming subsumed with the error of hubris.

As it says in the Rule of Saint Benedict:

“ The peak of our endeavour is to achieve profound humility…” Chapter 7, The Value of Humility

As it says in the Quran:

“ The ‘Ibaad of Ar-Rahman [Allah] are those who walk on earth in humility.” 25:63

As it says in the Dhammapada:

“ Yo bâlo maññati bâlyaè paúóitovâpi tena so bâlo ca paúóitamânî sa ve bâloti vuccati.”

” Accepting of themselves, the simple person in their simplicity is wise, although if they pride themselves they are wise, they are simply full of pride. “

Furthermore, such Ways provide such a supra-personal perspective in a manner which is living – that is, these Ways are presented to us as something which has a historical genesis and which lives among us, in our own times, in and through those devoted to them in that dignified manner which makes such people living examples of those tenets, of those Ways. That is, the dignified people who follow such Ways – who are inspired by those Ways to practice humility in their own lives – thus manifest the numinous, the sacred, among us, and so can provide us with practical, and personal, guidance, and a sense of belonging.

Thus, I now have, partly from practical experience, come to apprehend a certain unity, a certain common insight, behind many outwardly differing Ways and religious forms, to the extent that I personally have been considered by some people to be some kind of Buddhist-Taoist-Muslim-Sufi-Catholic-NuminousWay-pagan-mystic hybrid. But in truth, I am merely someone who as a result of pathei-mathos knows their limitations, their fallibility, and thus who empathically resonates with past and present emanations of the numinous, often because of struggling to answer certain questions about our human nature, about our mortal existence, and about the nature of Reality which many others over millennia have also saught to answer.

Since you especially ask about Catholicism in relation to the Numinous Way, all I can say in my experience – having been raised a Catholic and having spent some time as a Catholic monk – is that Catholicism did manifest, and to an extent still does manifest, aspects of the numinous and therefore this particular guide to human living is one which I understand and appreciate as one style of earthly-harmony.

As I wrote a year or so ago:

” The Latin Tridentine Mass of the Catholic Church […] evolved over a certain period of causal time, and became, for many Catholics, the main ritual, or rite, which imbued their ordinary lives with a certain numinosity – a certain awareness of the sacred, with attendance at this rite involving certain customs, such as modest and clean dress, and women covering their heads with a veil. This rite was, in essence, a Mysterium – that is, it embodied not only something holy and somewhat mysterious (such as the Consecration and Communion) but also was wordlessly un-mundane and so re-presented to most of those attending the rite, almost another world, with this re-presentation aided by such things as the use of incense, the ringing of the Sanctus bell, and the genuflexions. In addition, and importantly, the language of this rite was not that of everyday speech, and was not even, any longer, a living changing language, but rather had in many ways become the sacred language of that particular Way.

The Catholic rite endured for centuries and, indeed, to attend this particular rite marked, affirmed and re-affirmed one as a Catholic, as a particular follower of a particular Way, and a Way quite distinct from the schism that became Protestantism [1], a fact which explained, for instance, the decision, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth the First of England, to punish by fine or imprisonment those who attended this rite, and to persecute, accuse of treason, and often execute, those who performed this rite.

However, the reforms imposed by the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican replaced this numinous rite, this Mysterium, with rites and practices redolent of un-numinous Protestantism. Why? Most probably because those involved in such planning and producing and implementing such reforms were swayed by the causal abstractions of “progress” and “relevancy” – desiring as they did and do to be in accord with the causal, material, Zeitgeist of the modern West where numbers of adherents, and conformity to trendy ideas and theories, are regarded as more important than presencing The Numen in a numinous manner. When, that is, some profane causal abstractions come to be regarded as more relevant than experiencing and manifesting the sacred as the sacred.

Yet this does not mean that Catholicism, before the reforms imposed by the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, was or remained a Way, per se. Only that, of all the variants of what are now termed Christianity, it retained a certain numinosity expressed by the original Way; that, through its Mysteriums such as the Tridentine Mass, it still presenced something of The Numen; and that it managed to avoid the worst excesses of the religious attitude, maintaining as it did a monasticism which by its own particular way of life encouraged the cultivation of a genuine, non-dogmatic, humility.” Source – Concerning The Nature of Religion and The Nature of The Numinous Way

As this quote – and the associated footnote – make clear, it is my personal opinion that traditional Catholicism, with its Tridentine Mass and its particular conservative traditions, was a somewhat better, more harmonious, expression of the numinous (a necessary and relevant expression of the numinous), than both Protestantism and the reforms introduced by the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, and which reforms served only to undermine the numinous, to untwist the threads that held together its “hidden soul of harmony”.

However, what really matters in my view in respect of considering how we judge and evaluate other Ways and other styles of earthly-harmony (that is, what are often regarded as religious expressions of the numinous), is not so much their veracity as perceived and/or assumed by us during one span or certain spans of causal Time, but rather how those Ways, those expressions, affect people and predispose them toward or guide them toward living in a more numinous manner. That is, by criteria such as humility, avoidance of hubris, compassion, fairness toward others: by those things which express, which manifest, the numinous in us, in terms of our character, our behaviour. Not, that is, by some abstract criteria which we posit and which we with arrogance use to condemn or malign, often based on some vainglorious assumption or need that our own beliefs, our own answers, are the correct ones.

There is thus a tolerance, a respect; a desire not to stridently condemn; an awareness of our own fallibility deriving from our own pathei-mathos and from the numinous perspective, the silent wordless clarity, that such a personal learning from the suffering of experience brings.

All I have tried to do in respect of The Numinous Way is present what I hope is an alternative style of earthly-harmony, and saught to clarify how this alternative differs from others. For instance, in the matter of empathy, of honour, and of seeking to avoid the dogma arising from some causal abstraction or other. As to the veracity of my personal answers, I admit I do not know.

David Myatt
June 2011 CE


[1] Catholicism (before the reforms imposed by the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican) represented, in my view, the original Way known as Christianity, and was – at least before those reforms – quite distinct from those schisms which are now known as Protestantism and Orthodox Christianity. Indeed, distinct enough – until those reforms – to be considered a different Way of Life, a Way evident, for example, in Catholic rites (such as the Tridentine Mass), in monasticism, in Papal authority, in the use of Latin, and in the reverence accorded The Blessed Virgin Mary.

Furthermore, it is my view that the schism now termed Protestantism was a classic example of the religious attitude predominating over numinosity – and thus that it is and was redolent of attempts to reduce The Numen to linear causal abstractions. Thus, Mysteriums such as the Tridentine Mass became replaced with recitation of Scripture in the vernacular and with attempts to rationally explain – according to some abstract causal theory – the mystery of the consecration.

Summary of SpiritRoad and O.A. koncepts


When Vasna refers to Alchemy, it is chiefly the alchemy of the inner kind in the three modal model of the Latin alchemists- Nigredo, Albedo, and Rubedo. How important are these concepts? The nigredo phase corresponds to the phase that Onyx Angels is in now- a fermentation phase, full of potential, but the “cooking” process must continue for the full potentials of the organization to be realized. Alchemy without practice is just a temporal abstraktion– a dead thing like a virus. We are going thru the first phase of the cooking process and there will be a whitening, a blanching, a stripping down to the root matters, in the future. This will be followed by a RUBEDO phase– a reinvigoration.
The process of having meetings at bars and strip clubs will bering people together to meet and form cells. After this, the dross of each cell must be filtered out, and then each cell must get a boost of energy, refreshed and ready to move forward.

Anarchism refers to a mode against the state. We reject the failings of New Left anarchism and the Frankfurt School, and any other type of Judaeo-leftist modal node. We are National Anarchists and Nation has a variable definition depending upon one’s own understanding. In the broadest sense, “race” is too large of a group to really be a nation. As I have already posited, and presented evidence for– the Negro is a mix of homo sapiens and homo erectus, and hence for this reason is excluded from O.A. The Jew is a mix of Neandertal, Homo Erectus, and other strains, an international bastard and hence anti-national in his inclinations.

Chaos and Pain refers to a modality of physical fitness defined and refined by Odinist Jamie Lewis. I have selected this modality as my personal philosophy of fitness and there will and must be always a physical raising of the standards bar in O.A.

The current nexionettes of the OA are in Cincinnati, Lexington KY, Detroit, Daytona, and Deltona. REMINDER– As of this posting, 4/19/11–the first DAYTONA meeting is coming up soon–


April 25– 8 P.M.
The Dog House Bar
60 Main Street
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

DRECCYANA is also known as 5th vehicle Buddhism. It is one of the philosophies that has gone into informing the memeplex of SpiritRoad, along with Vajrayana, Taoism, and the Adamantine Dark Tradition.
Eurasianism is an opposition to Anglo-Atlanticism, and is a memetic plaza endorsed by Vasna.
Hivemind is one of the most important concepts in O.A. We typically refer to the type of HiveMind elucidated upon by Soror Nema of the Maatians.
HOLY WAR is just what we call all this. The mujahidz for SpiritRoad are the Onyx Angels.
Homo Superior is the fully realized new humyn of the future, hive minded, racinated, and probably hopefully a space explorer and colonizer. But FIRST we have to sweep the current system out of the way…

Kenosis and the Scarecrow Experiment

The following is an accounting of magic and art in action.
昔者莊周夢為蝴蝶,栩栩然蝴蝶也,自喻適志與,不知周也。俄然覺,則蘧蘧然周也。不知周之夢為蝴蝶與,蝴蝶之夢為周與?周與蝴蝶則必有分矣。此之謂物化。++++++++++ +
It was 4 years ago. I had just watched the movie “Batman Begins” and I began to ask myself sincerely a question–what if I were subjected to a feargas that made me see my worst nightmare-what would it be and what would I do?
For a while, several weeks, I mostly used my imagination to investigate the topic. I did google searches for the most terrible things I could think of– autopsies gone bad, injuries, malformed births. This was all fine and good but did not quite do enough.

I began to actually do the particular things that I feared. I could make a list but that would be long and pointless. I saw time as a black river leading to a black sea–and each action and thought was a little origami boat on the black river. As the river joined the sea, the boats sank and were forgotten by Mahakala. So it is that life passes.
Order arises spontaneously when things are allowed to flow according to their own direction. Lust, fear, sleepiness, coffee hunger, then sated urges, then new urges.

One of the things that we should try to incorporate into SpiritRoad is a sense of spontaneous flowing of consciousness that for lack of a better term I’ll call Primitivism, or the Lycanthropic state of awareness–the idea is not to be a dimwitted brute but a sharp keen creature unbound by labels. “SpiritRoad” is itself a label, but it fits nicely because the ROAD that is ahead of us, wea re guided on it by Spirit, not a formula, not an abstraction. I have lost things and gained things in the process of formulating this philosophy. We must always be loyal to our own kind because the outsiders will never GRASP the suchness of Nothing as it moves through us, or understand why we value so little what they value so much- the illusion of control. We are in opposition to states and governments because they only exist as origami boats of the mind that are not allowed to FLOW toward their intended destination. The boats of the outsiders are strangled and broken by the gloves of power, given enough time, and people still don’t catch on. This is the Anarchist part of National- Anarchism–understanding that those servitors of the state that would strangle you are acting on IDEAS, ideas just like your own-little paper boats, floating out to sea. Just thoughts.

This post is a little origami boat on a black river of time. It will flow thru some on it’s way to the abyss, and will eventually be forgotten, like a Tibetan sand painting. As it moves toward it’s source it must move thru people and they will add their own items to the Numenorian Ark.
It is my sincere intention that Onyx Angels become modes, nodes, of expression of kenosis practiced not only on the individual level but on the tribal level. You may experience without thinking, and when you become hungry, you must think about how to get food, then you eat and thought and hunger subside.
This is all for now.

Recap and Review of Onyx Angels terms and concepts

It is worthy of note that ONYX ANGELS have operational cells in Daytona Florida, Deltona Florida, Lexington Kentucky, Cincinnati Ohio, and Detroit Michigan. Each cell may name itself as it pleases. However, there are key concepts within SpiritRoad and national Anarchism that must be adhered to if one person or cell wants to be considered ONYX.

I think it about time for a review of essential terms and concepts used by ONYX ANGELS and used in discussions of the SpiritRoad philosophy.

In alphabetical order, in the English language.
Christianity– A bizarre Middle Eastern cult that got out of control. Christianity is specifically refuted by the SpiritRoad philosophy.

Colors– O.A. have official colors. These are orange, white and black. These are functional for both paramilitary uniforms and gangsta attire.

Dark Goddess– Our mother of blood, she goes by many names- Ishet Zenunim, Taninsam, Lilith, Kali, Durga, Baphomet, Tiamat, Hekate, Hela, and others. Our patroness.

Dreccyana– One of the schools of Buddhism which informs the SpiritRoad philosophy. Another school of Buddhism which informs SpiritRoad is Vajrayana.

Eurasianism– An idea set or memeplex codified by Alexander Dugin and a part of the practical memplex of our political workers.

Inner Alchemy– A method for self transformation from the inside out. A philosophical addition to the SpiritRoad.

Islam-Generally, Islam is a vile religion and misogynist cult that got out of hand. However, there is an inner dark tradition within the religion that is respected by the SpiritRoad practicioner. Additionally, we must salure the efforts of the Muslim against the Jew, and hence must appreciate a temporary “enemy of my enemy is my friend” type situation. However, in the end, exoteric islam must be refuted as a false doctrine. Caution must be taken in making strange bedfellows here as we are a most assuredly PAGAN organization.

Juggalettes, AKA Ninjettes- A primary recruitment base for the Onyx Angels, these are the women who are completely on our side — i.e., those who are wholly dedicated and who have accepted our program in its entirety. We should regard these women as the most valuable or our treasures; without their help, we would never succeed.

Kali Yuga– The current world age, an era of gloom and strife. Soon to be replaced by Satya Yuga, if Vasna has anything to say about it. ONYX ANGELS are one early form of what will be eventually the national Anarchist Stormtroopers of the Future, under N’Aton.

N’Aton– One of our gods. A future incarnation of the Hive Mind. Androgyne. Combines elements of both the all in one and one in all, and none in all, and all in none. Read the works by Soror Nema, a Thelemite, for more info.

National Anarchism– Whereas the SpiritRoad philosophy is the intuitive philosophical underpinning of the Onyx Angels, NATIONAL ANARCHISM is the primary POLITICAL philosophy and gestalt of the O.A.. National Anarchism holds that a mixture of Nationalism (usually concieved as rightist) and anarchism (usually imagined as leftist) is the natural human condition.

Number– Our official number is 33/0, useful for tagging etc. It’s esoteric meaning is revealed to the initiate after joining, or some clever ones can figure it out.

Odal Rune– Our official symbol. Depicted below.

Pledge– To join you must recite the official pledge. The pledging process is below;

First, it can be done by yourself, alone. Second, it can be done with a friend or some friends who also desire to become OA. Third, you can join an existing OA klan.

The Pledge can take place at any time, and anywhere, indoors, or out, and no special preparation is necessary or required, although if desired and practical, it can be undertaken in a darkened area with subdued lighting (the source of which is not important) and with the ODAL RUNE symbol in a prominent position and drawn or reproduced on some material or on a flag.

For the pledging, you – and each other participant, if any – will require a small piece of white paper (the actual size and type of paper are not important), a sharp knife (of the hunting or survival kind) – and if possible, a sheath for the knife – plus a small receptacle or container suitable for burning the paper in.

You – and each other participant, if any – then say:

I am here to seal my Fate with blood.
I accept there is no law, no authority, no justice
And that killing is a necessary act of Life.
I believe in one guide, Our ONYX Law.

You – and each other participant, if any – then make a small cut on your left thumb with the knife and allow several drops of your blood to fall onto the paper. You then place the paper into the small container, and set it alight.

As it burns, you – and each other participant, if any – then say:

I swear on my ONYX-honour as an ANGEL that from this day forth I will never surrender, will die fighting rather than submit to anyone, and will always uphold The Catechism of the Revolutionist.

You – and each other participant, if any – then place the knife in the sheath (if a sheath is available), conceal or otherwise carry the knife on you, and forever after keep the knife with you, as a sign of your ONYX-honour and your pledge of allegiance.

The pledging is then complete.

Physical Taskate– A set of physical requirements for being considered an active member of O.A.

The tasks-
a-walking 20 miles in rainy conditions in under 6 hours
b-deadlift 150 LBS for men, 100 LBS for women
c-bicycling 100 miles in 7 hours
d-engaging in assault against a suitable target (like a Christian Internationlist Socialist) to draw blood. Don’t get caught!

Racialism in Onyx Angels– We are specifically open to Europids, Turanids, Altaics, Romantics, and Uralics. So to put this in plain English– if you are German, you can be in. If you are a German born half jew, half negro, you are not in. If you are a Kazakh, you can be in. If you are half Japanese and half Swedish, you can be in. NO JEWS are ever “in”, no exceptions. No NEGROES are ever “in”, no exceptions. I strongly suggest that blacks find a militant black negro organization, not this one. “Hispanics” are not a race but a cultural group. Most indios or mestizos could be allowed in under racial definitions, but few could be allowed in if they retain deep ties to the, for example, Mexican consumer monoculture, with it’s tooth rotting soft drinks etc.

SpiritRoad– The foundational philosophy of the Onyx Angels. It is an occult philosophy of the spirit. It is primarily intuitive, rather than analytical.

Stockpile– Your hidden stash of stuffs– the guns, food, drugs, ammo, water, and whatever you’ll need if and when TEOTWAWKI comes.

VasnaCincy– Also called Vashna, (pronounced “Vosh- Nah”), founder of the Onyx Angels and exemplar of the SpiritRoad philosophy.

WOTAN– The Herjafather, Odin, Wotan, our patron God. Just as we have a patron Goddess who goes by many names, we also have a patron god who is known by names various, such as Woden or Wotan. To Him do we pray for glory and victory.

We Are Growing

Onyx Angels movement continues to grow in new cells in new cities. We continue to promote the SpiritRoad philosophy.
We continue to be promoters of Eurasianism and National Anarchism.

We now have complete cells in Florida, Cincinnati, Lexington KY, and Detroit.